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- 環保綠色美容(Green Beauty)
Real Sonic 24K Gold Beauty Bar for Skincare - vibrates 6,000 times a minute (micro vibration) which gives your facial muscle the right amount of stimulation in order to get a firming effect to improve the skin. It can also reduce wrinkles around eyes, lips, forehead and neck, instantly reshape the face contour to reveal your youthful look and energy! It can beautify your skin, with only using it for 2 - 3 minutes per day, then you will be able to easily get the firm and beautiful skin you always dream of. The natural current which exists inside the body can be affected by pressure and aging, which is the main cause for spots and loosed skin.
Since the wavelength of gold ions and living organisms' natural current is the same, a slide of the gold ions on the skin can regulate and balance the bioelectricity, thus promotes metabolism and activates skin cells, giving radiance and elasticity to the skin. Real Sonic 24K Gold Beauty Bar for Skincare is 14cm in length and weighs 80g. It's made of brass, aluminium (The T part is gold-plated) and uses AA battery. It's designed in U.S and made water-proof for head , so you can use it during washing face.
As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and vitality. You can turn back time with the Real Sonic 24K Gold Beauty Bar . It Instantly tightens and lifts skin. The 24K gold plating T-bar helps enrich the skin. It promotes blood circulation and restores skin radiance, firmness, elasticity and lifts tired eyes. It smooths out puffy eyes and crow's feet, frown lines & wrinkles. It also improves neck wrinkles and lifts droopy skin and circulation for glowing skin.
Real Sonic 24K Gold Beauty Bar rejuvenates your tired and dull complexions. It also helps diminish frown lines and wrinkles to be safe of delicated areas, including around the eye and 24K gold is naturally antimicrobial.
The Real Sonic 24K Gold Beauty Bar Facial Roller can be easily use at home as a treatment and it only takes 3-5 minutes per day. The Waterproof design can be used in the washing face . It is battery-operated for portability.
You can start by turning on the Real Sonic 24K Gold Beauty Bar with a simple twist at the bottom of its handle. The Gold Bar can be used by itself or with a face lotion. With its sleek and waterproof design, it is great for use in a bath, sauna, and even at the workplace.
Its T-shaped bar conveniently sculpts to the contours of your face which makes it easier for you to massage and achieve that youthful-looking skin. Massage along the areas of your skin that you want to improve such as under the eyes, along the T-bone, chin, cheeks, along your neck, and even for your hands. Repeat daily for 3-5 minutes and see the amazing results.
Size: Medium
Application: Body
Material: Stainless Steel
Item Type: Massage & Relaxation
Use on: Forehead, Cheek, Neck, Clavicle, Shoulder, Arm
1 x Gold Beauty Bar Facial Roller
使用方法: 精華塗上臉後,把黃金緊緻導入棒的電源開關向左轉至開啟。把導入棒於面頰由下而上輕推,並於額頭由上而下輕推,直至精華完全吸收。
功效1 淋巴排毒:利用微弱電流,改善臉部淋巴的循環,並排出積聚的毒素。
功效2 緊致提升:由於環境、壓力等因素,有可能令皮膚細胞的荷電量大大降低,導至皮膚質數及彈性均大大降低。利用24k黃金緊緻導入棒就可以平衡皮膚細胞的荷電量,並保持皮膚的緊緻度。
功效3 去除皺紋:透過每分鐘6000次離子微震動,能刺激皮膚分泌更多膠原蛋白,令皺紋得以填補及撫平。 功效4 瘦臉塑形:高頻震動能讓皮膚底層溫度瞬間升高,從而加速血液循環,啟動細胞活性。加上由面頰由下而上、額頭由上而下的手法,令皮膚向正確的方位拉緊,達到瘦臉的功效。
買家 | 地區 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 |
yam*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2024-09-30 |
che*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2024-08-26 |
sal*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2024-08-12 |
tsz*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐智能櫃 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2024-07-29 |
bob*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐智能櫃 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2024-05-31 |
hel*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐智能櫃 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2024-05-27 |
kik*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2024-04-03 |
yue*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐智能櫃 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2023-12-18 |
fws*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐智能櫃 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2023-11-03 |
yun*** | Hong Kong 香港 - 順豐智能櫃 滿$350 免運 | 1 | 2023-09-15 |
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